Multiple Sclerosis, manageable with early treatment-BY CAROL ALOYSIUS Source:Sundayobserver Considered one of the most tragic illnesses to afflict young women in particular, Multiple Sclerosis still remains shrouded in superstitions. President of the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Sri Lanka (MSASL) Prof. Enoka Corea explains how early diagnosis and free treatment from state hospitals can help give patients better quality lives. Excerpts from her interview with the Sunday Observer. Q. Today May 30 is World MS Day. Could you explain to our readers what Multiple Sclerosis means? A. Multiple Sclerosis is a disease where the immune system of the body (which is meant to fight infections) suddenly starts attacking your own body. Specifically, it attacks the myelin sheath of the nerves. The nerves are like electric wires that convey signals throughout the body. The myelin sheath acts as the insulation around these ‘wires’. When the myelin sheath is damaged the signals are not ...

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