The good old days in good old Ceylon*- by Ms.Therese Nilmini Off to School in red Double Decker. The ride was a must in a CTB bus, One leg on the foot board. The other dangling free.  Imminent danger Was a mere glee 20 kids plus In a space for three Hung on the silver pole.  How many could it hold?  Galle Road to Maradana  5c half price ticket. Cost was not so dear Cut school on a lazy Friday, Off to the show at 10.30, the Liberty, Queued down the street not long to go Braving the sun for ten thirty show ABBA the movie, the latest release in 70mm. ...

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*The good old days in good old Ceylon* – by Ms.Therese Nilmini Off to School in red Double Decker. The ride was a must in a CTB bus, One leg on the foot board. The other dangling free. Imminent danger Was a mere glee 20 kids plus In a space for three Hung on the silver pole. How many could it hold? Galle Road to Maradana 5c half price ticket. Cost was not so dear   Cut school on a lazy Friday, Off to the show at 10.30, the Liberty, Queued down the street not long to go Braving the sun for ten thirty show ABBA the movie, the latest release in 70mm. The gallery destination please The cheapest seats, a 55c each, Dripping sweat from our chins to our knees Gallery was for the lower class Rs 1.10 for the second class Never could afford the first class ODC ...

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