Prime Minister – Speech, State Dinner – The Rose Garden, The White House – Friday 20 September 2019 OFFICIAL The Hon. Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister TRANSCRIPT SPEECH, STATE DINNER THE ROSE GARDEN, THE WHITE HOUSE FRIDAY 20 SEPTEMBER 2019   EO&E… PRIME MINISTER: Well he got me, Dame Mary, my great, great aunt would be very, very proud. Mr. President, First Lady Mrs. Trump, thank you so much Mrs. Trump for the amazing night you’ve created for us here. Ladies and gentlemen, friends, Jenny and I are truly grateful for this wonderful honour and the hospitality that you Mr. President the First Lady have extended to us and to our country. As we join you here tonight, in the home, your home, and that of the American Presidency. This of course was once the home of President Teddy Roosevelt who I’ve always greatly admired. He was also a ...

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