Celebrating Mother’s Day: Sri Lankan Traditions of Love and Gratitude-by Kalani-eLanka In the heart of the Indian Ocean lies a gem of a nation, Sri Lanka, where vibrant traditions blend seamlessly with modern celebrations. As May 12th approaches, Sri Lankans eagerly prepare to honor the nurturing spirit of motherhood in a day filled with love, gratitude, and cherished traditions. Let’s embark on a journey through the unique ways Sri Lanka celebrates Mother’s Day on this special date. In Sri Lankan culture, mothers are revered as the cornerstone of the family, embodying love, strength, and wisdom. Their influence extends beyond the household, shaping communities and inspiring future generations. As May 12th dawns, the island nation comes alive with a collective spirit of appreciation for these extraordinary women who have touched countless lives with their selfless devotion. Mother’s Day in Sri Lanka is steeped in rich customs that reflect the deep-rooted respect ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY – By Charles Schokman A Mother’s love is something that no onecan explain, It is made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain,   It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may For nothing can destroy it or take that love away . . . Image Source : edupackTanzania Facebook It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking, And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking . . .   It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns, And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems . . .   It is far beyond defining, it defies all explanation, And it still remains a secret like the mysteries of creation . . . Image Source : newyearimages A many splendored miracle man cannot understand And another wondrous evidence of God’s tender guiding hand. ...

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AN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2023 (MOTHER’S DAY) ‘Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart.’ Luke 2:19 ‘Some things only a mum can do… like powdering a baby’s bottom with one hand while holding the phone with the other… Spending the day wiping noses, laundering socks, balancing a cheque book, and still mean it when she thanks God for her kids. Some things only a mum can fix… like the cabinet doors her husband couldn’t, and his bruised ego when he found out she could! Broken shoelaces… broken hearts… breaking up with your sweetheart. Some things only a mum can know… like how long it takes to drive from piano lessons to football practice… how many pizzas you need for a sleepover… the number of days left in a term. The rest of us can only wonder… “Mum, what was it like when that infant’s cry first filled the ...

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Happy Mother’s Day – By Noor Rahim   Always remember your Mother in every loving way Not just on “Mother’s Day”; but on every day of the year For she who conceived you and carried you all the way Enabling you, to one day, see the light of the day   She did continue tending to your needs, as is the way Of all Mothers; with such loving and tender care  Teaching you and guiding you in all life’s ways Until it is time for you to fend for yourself in the worldly ways   Mother’s Day is commercialized, no doubt, one can say But like inaugurating a New Year with gusto and sway Let’s use “Mother’s Day” to kindle our love for our Mothers in every way And continue this lifelong love, for the one who brought us to life, to forever stay   Noor Rahim 2nd May 2019 ...

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 Mother’s Day Gift – Save A Life Mother’s Day is coming up and some of you are wondering what is the perfect gift to give your mum. A bouquet of flowers, a smart watch or something else. Why not consider making a donation to save a life of a new born baby and bring a smile to another mother the perfect Mother’s Day Gift. In Sri Lanka, Castle Street hospital and other neonatal wards are running out of Nitric Oxide gas and a special request has been made by the Senior Neonatologist. The gas is critical to save a life of a sick babies suffering from hypoxemic respiratory failure in newly born infants. Lack of the gas may result in death. However it is very expensive and each 10L gas cylinder costs LKR 506,000. The hospital requires 2 – 3 cylinders each month. The country requirement is 90 – 95 ...

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A Mother’s “Never Ending” Daily Routine – Noor Rahim Always remember your Mother in every loving way Not only on the designated day alone – called “Mothers’ Day” For a Mother that conceived you and carried you all the way Enabling you, to one day, see the light of the day   The value of a Mother is more than one can weigh For hers is always a day that requires to be “on her feet” all day Encountering the day to day with chores that come into play Some routine and others unexpectedly, as is always the way   A Mother who wakes up long before anyone Preparing for the day by making your tea and breakfast While you are still in bed; and doing your yawning routine Then seeing you off to work/school at the door with blessings bestowed   The work doesn’t end; as she returns to ...

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A Mother’s Daily “Never-Ending” Task – by Noor Rahim        While the school going children & wage earners go out to do their tasks Returning home after a day of stress and hard work Longing to pour out their woes into someone’s patient ears There’s none better than one’s Mother’s comfort that one seeks   One’s day starts off with a breakfast that is already on the counter Back home in the evening, to the awaiting cup of tea and dinner But then, that generally is an eight hour stretch of study/work anyway With the weekend and holidays to relax & recuperate in whatever way   But do pause a moment and give thought to a Mother Who wakes much earlier to commence her daily chores, without a murmur Before you can open your eyes and go out on your working venture The Mother who has you in her thoughts ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE When God Created Mothers “Before she even held you in her arms, while you were still growing inside of her, she fell madly in love with you! She’s the one who struggled during those many hours giving you birth. She changed your diapers without complaint, and took care of you while you were sick—sometimes staying up all night just to watch over you.  She’s the one who prayed for you when you were hurting, all the while wanting to take on your pain, herself.  She encouraged you to persevere through the difficult times in life, and fulfil the dreams of your heart. She (has) always believed in you—even when you doubted yourself.” ...

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“MOTHERS’ DAY” – By Des Kelly   Mothers’ day, the 9th of May, in Australia, is almost upon us. While my own dear Mum is now long gone, (God bless her), there would doubtless be thousands of Mothers in Australia, whose families will be getting ready to celebrate this very special day.            Please let me add to these celebrations by reminding everyone that, while they are living, EVERY DAY should be Mother’s day, simply because we would not be HERE without them. Always give your parents, both Mother and Father all the respect they so richly deserve.  ...

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