Echoes of tragedy-BY SACHITRA MAHENDRA   Entrance to Auschwitz II-Birkenau was through what prisoners called the “Gate of Death.” Auschwitz was a major railway hub—a convenient location for the Nazis to bring Jews from all over Europe Source:Sundayobserver As you traverse the streets of these once bustling metropolises, the emptiness of the buildings will weigh heavily upon your heart. Your soul will urge you to still your tongue, to hold back the words that seek to escape. And so you will walk on, in reverent silence, as though honouring a solemn pact. These structures bear the mark of history, a legacy that cannot be erased. They bear witness to the atrocities of one man, whose name has become synonymous with evil. A man who strode the earth like a colossus, casting a shadow of fear and hatred over all who crossed his path. His name was Adolf Hitler, and though ...

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