Why Knox is streets ahead of Roebuck This sort of article usually takes days to write. People ask me whether I attend cricket matches? I say no. They ask me whether I follow it on TV. I say no because TV tires my eyes. They then ask me how I call myself a cricket follower. I say – by reading about cricket. Apart from Knox and Haigh there are a host of other cricket writers I read in the local newspapers. Baum is one of them. Stranger things at Edgbaston, where sneaky Steve Smith’s the arch-villain By Malcolm Knox August 2, 2019 When Steve Smith reached his milestone 50th and 100th runs at Edgbaston on Thursday, and when he was out after one of the great innings in Ashes history, a funny thing happened. Sections of the crowd in the Eric Hollies Stand, England cricket’s version of the MCG’s ...

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