Memories at BRC – the number one hockey club in Sri Lanka-by Dennis de Rosayro The Burgher Recreation Club Source:Dailynews On December 26, 1896, the Bambalapitiya Hockey & Football Club was founded by the Burgher community from Bambalapitiya, Colombo South, at a meeting held at the residence of F. J. Foenander, who was elected as Patron. A. W. Raffel and O. H. Poppenbeck was elected as President and Secretary respectively. On May 31, 1915, the Club changed its name to Burgher Recreation Club (BRC) and its colours changed from ‘Black-Red-Gold to ‘Black-Red-Champagne’. Having joined the Club on March 8, 1954, as a student member, I thought it opportune to recall its hockey history and achievements to the best of my memory and ability, paying tribute to the greats who brought honour to the club and country. Touching on Internationals before 1950; Fulham Wright, Edward and Carl Kelaart represented Ceylon vs ...

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Our small beginnings – By Lalin Fernando Source:Daley News – THE BULLETIN OF THE OLD JOSEPHIANS’ ASSOCIATION OF NSW AUGUST 2020 Old Josephians – wherever in the world they turn up – seem to have a natural affinity for each other’s company. It could be the strong sense of loyalty which was instilled in us at SJC, or it could be that we share some kindred spirit which wafted over from the Beira Lake and stayed with us. And so, in January 1989, it was easy to make a few phone calls and pass the word around that a “gathering” was to take place in Sydney to which all Old Joes were invited. This was more or less how a similar function was organised in London some 30 years before – to be exact in 1960. The venue was the International Catholic Students’ Chaplaincy at 41 Holland Park, and the occasion ...

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