Annual General Meeting (AGM) & New Associate Membership of the SLNSWCA & Rajitha’s Appeal & Donation to Maharagama Cancer Hospital Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please see following few notices for your information. Annual General Meeting (AGM) & NewAssociate Membershipof the SLNSWCA: AGM of the SLNSWCA is scheduled to be held on 17th October 2020 at 5.30pm via Zoom. AGM Notifications were sent via email to all fully paid up Associate Members. As per the constitution all registered fully paid up Associate Members as at the date of the meeting are entitled to attend and vote on the day in respect of any resolutions and appointment of Executive Committee members and office bearers. Emails on how to obtain new Associate Membership were sent on 10 Aug and 07 Sep. If you are yet to obtain Associate Membership, we urge you to do so at your earliest and we would like you to get involved and be part of ...

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