Rich legend of Lumbini – By Dr.Gamini Kariyawasam. Lumbini Vansaya Book PDF DOWNLOAD – Click Here This year’s Vesak festival brings cherished memories of the enchanting Lumbini, the birthplace of Prince Siddhartha. As we celebrate, it’s the perfect moment to delve into the rich legend of Lumbini, illuminated by recent archaeological discoveries. This article aims to bring the ancient allure of this sacred site to life, revealing its hidden stories and newfound treasures.                                         – “Ananda, Lumbini is the birthplace of the Tathagatas ( Lord Buddha ) . It is a place where the devotees have to see and understand the impermanent nature. One who worships this place will be born in heaven after death in a good soul.”                                  According to the Maha Parnirvana Sutra, Lumbini where Gautama Buddha was born, Buddha Gaya where he attained Buddhahood, Isipatanarama where he preached the Dhamma Chakra Sutra, and ...

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