Captivating Buddhist Heritage Unravels in Pakistan – By Kelum Bandara Source : dailymirror Pakistan is uncovering a remarkable past: a once-thriving Buddhist civilization.  Excavations reveal ancient universities and stupas, like Jaulian with its university ruins and Bhamala with the world’s oldest Nirvana statue. This newfound heritage is drawing international interest, making Pakistan a destination for history and spiritual exploration Takht-i-Bahi monastic complex Jaulian monastic complex In the green mountainous terrain coupled with the gorges and valleys of Pakistan, what is unfolding with yimmense grandeur is the cradle of the ancient Buddhist civilization of Gandhara.  Painstaking excavation under the supervision of renowned Pakistani archaeologists has led to the discovery of thousands of Buddhist heritage sites and artefacts.  Among them are stupas, statues of the Buddha in different postures including the famous fasting Buddha statue currently kept at the Lahore museum and the Maha Pari Nirvana statue in Bhamala, Taxila.  The remnants of ...

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