Mansion of the Black Prince- BY MAHIL WIJESINGHE The front view of the Walauwa Source:Sundayobserver My original destination was the Walalgoda Tempita Vihara in Walalgoda, a remote village close to Embilipitiya, where wall paintings belonging to the Kandyan period, preserved in a two-storied small building in a Tempita Vihara. Having visited the temple, with a glimmer of hope, I made up my mind to visit another archaeologically important site situated 28 kilometres from Walalgoda. It was the grand mansion of the Maduwanwela Walauwa. My memory goes back to late 70s when I was a schoolboy, when I read a serialised story of Maduwanwela Maha Disawa in our sister newspaper Silumina each week for a couple of months. Since the printing was not so good those days, the story accompanied several black and white pictures which were fascinating for the readers. Almost five decades later, recalling the past memories, we visited ...

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