Down Memory Lane     Source:Island Sri Lanka UK Society Birthday Banquet – Her Majesty the Queen: Oak Room of Cinnamon Grand. June 17, 2012. Speech by Guest of Honour, S. Skandakumar. Your Excellency, John Rankin, High Commissioner for Britain in Sri Lanka, Eminent Excellencies of the International Diplomatic Corps, distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, When Carlo your President invited me on behalf of his committee to this evening’s function, I said to him, “Carlo I am four years into retirement, I have spent it all in relative hibernation in Haputale and many feel that soon I will be ready  for the Archives “…to which his response was ‘Ah That’s just the profile we are looking for !!” So here I am Ladies and Gentlemen, and a very Good Evening to all of you. It is not only a great pleasure to be here but also a special privilege to have been invited to address such an awesome ...

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