They might not be bigger than The Beatles but 25 years on we are still listening to Oasis-By Nathanael Cooper It was the seminal album of ’90s Britpop but (What’s the Story) Morning Glory’s influence stretched well beyond old Blighty. Noel and Liam Gallagher of Oasis Source:Theage The songs still get stadium audiences to their feet, have featured in no shortage of karaoke nights, and influenced generations of musicians – and a quarter of a century later, we’re still turning Oasis’ album (What’s the Story) Morning Glory up, not off. Critics greeted the album with a lack of enthusiasm when it was released in 1995 and, at the time, Liam and Noel Gallagher’s antics arguably got as much attention as their music. In 1996, The Sydney Morning Herald‘s Bruce Elder wrote, “Have a little humility, guys. You are no more than the next bright flower in a lengthy daisy chain of musicians ...

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