Around the World in 18 holes – By Prashanth Sentilkumar Source : Prashanth Sentilkumar Linkedin Around the World in 18 holes – Mini golf or miniature golf, is a sport that continues to have an audience that are keen on lesuire sports. Welcome to the newest miniature golf arena, Adventure golf Around the world in 18 holes,located at independence arcade, it is the largest miniature golf course in Sri Lanka, and the best part is it is an 18 hole course replicating the same aspects of the golf course,however the design is beautifully laid out , the holes comprise of obstacles that are world wonders, so you have the eiffel tower,leaning tower of pizza, the towerbridge, a wild Park in Srilanka, the Great Wall of China e.t.c, it is beautifully laid out and , using small putters you get the option to putt the ball in.This concept and project is owned ...

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