“Those were the Days… my Friend” APPRECIATION – LESLIE CORERA-by Placidus Gomez Leslie Corera, left, with his cousins Mignonne and Rufus Fernando. Source:Dailymirror As cousins we were very close with dear Leslie. We virtually grew up together and spent our childhood and growing up years in close kinship.  Leslie was a frequent visitor to our ancestral home at Bullers Lane where we enjoyed fellowship and loads of fun. He was always a very welcome visitor and much loved by the family. Leslie and his two sisters would invariably join the Gomez’s during the April holidays on their sojourn to Bandarawela and Haputale during the school holidays and one can only recollect the rollicking time this ‘dirty dozen’ plus one enjoyed together, although every evening Leslie’s mother insisted that we recite the Holy Rosary together as one big family, after all the energy and adrenaline had been spent on outdoor activities ...

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