Lanka Lions vs Instant Cricketers – Match played in Sydney on 13th November 2022 – Photos thanks to JP   The Annual, eagerly anticipated, cricket encounter between the  over 50 years old, The Sri Lanka Lions (Invitational) Team & The Sydney Instant Cricketers for the “NON BENDERS” shield, which was started in 2012, was played out, at The Kareela Reserve, Doonside NSW, on Sunday 13th of November 2022 Due to Inclement weather, the game was reduced to 20 overs per team & was played under the usual “special” rules of 12 players per team, but only 11 were allowed to field at any one time, with maximum of only four overs per bowler and a Maximum of 20 runs per batsmen. The two teams were:   Sydney Instant Cricketers   Sri Lanka Lions (Invitational)     Jana Weerasingham               (ex- Royal Colombo 7)   Ajith De Silva                  (ex- Ananda , Colombo 10)   ...

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