Stories Behind Names of Places in Sri Lanka: KUKULEGAMA – by Dr. Nimal Sedera Source: Dæhæna – Radio 4EB Sri Lankan Group – Monthly e-Newsletter – April 2022 Kukulegama is in the Sabaragamuwa province. “kukula” is the Sinhala word for cock bird. The female “HEN” is called “KIKILI”. So the name of this village is based on an interesting story behind a sport that still prevails in Sri Lanka. This sport, very popular in many Asian countries in the olden days, is banned by law in many countries including in Sri Lanka, to protect the innocent creatures. “Kukul pora” COCK FIGHTS were a popular sport in Sri lanka during the time of our Kings. The royal blessing was received for this sport and even Kings have attended to watch these fights. Training the cock bird, ROOSTER, was a special art, and needed talent and skill. There were special people to ...

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