World’s largest Palmyra distillery to open in Tikkam, Jaffna in Dec.-by Shirajiv Sirimane Chairman Palmyrah Development Board, Krishantha Pathiraja visits Tikkam distillery Source:Dailynews The world’s largest Palmyra spirit manufacturing factory will be opened at the end of the year in Tikkam Jaffna. A local distilleries company will be investing Rs. 450 million in a joint venture with Palmyrah development board to create this historic project. Chairman Palmyrah Development Board, Krishantha Pathiraja said that the JV in this regard has been already signed. Under the 5 year contract the progress would be renewed each 5 years. He also stressed that only the factory premises would be leased to the distillers company. The Tikkam distillery was created in 1986 and was shut down after around three years. Later it was restarted by the LTTE terror organization but this too functioned for three years. The primary cooperative society and the Palmyrah Development Board ...

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