Emerging Evidence of Pre-Historic Civilisation in Srilanka – By Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam It is told in history books that a group of exiles from Bengal arrived in Srilanka, over powered the inhabitants, set up their kingdom in Anuradhapura and started a glorious civilisation. Recent archaeological findings have emerged to the contrary to this established view point by proving the existence of ancinent civilisation prior to this. When 4000 year old civilisation is being unearthed along Vaigai and Thamiravaruni rivers in Tamil Nadu, which is only 25 miles away, to say that Srilanka remained uncivilised, cannot be accepted. In several parts of the world, civilisation took effect along rivers and Srilanka is not an exception to this phenomenon. The river plains in Srilanka where ancient civilisation had blossomed are along Aruvi Aru (Malwattu Oya) and Yan Oya, flowing out at Manthai and Pulmoddai respectively. Anuradhapura was made capital, as it was ...

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