Temple with ancient Tempita vihara- by M.A.R. Manukulasooriya Source:Sundayobserver The Badagamuwa Raja Maha Vihara is a Buddhist temple with an ancient Tempita vihara built during the era of King Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe (1747- 1781 A.D.) of the Kandyan kingdom. The temple lies bordering the Bdagamuwa Forest reserve on the Kurunegala-Dambulla main road. A Tempita vihara is a structure on a wooden platform which rests on a number of stone stumps usually 3-4 feet tall. The roof is held by a structure built of timber and walls are generally made of wattle and daub. The original Tempita Vihara of the temple had been built on eight pillars and is said to have had three stories. The enlarged ground floor had been used as the Pohoya Geya. The walls of the image house had been covered in murals. However, this Tempita vihara is now limited to a single floor. All the statues ...

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The saga of the ‘Water Cutting Ceremony’-By L.B Senartne Source:Dailymirror Robert Knox, who was a prisoner for 9 years in Sri Lanka, speaks of this water cutting ceremony An acolyte with a golden sword in hand awaits the arrival of the Devale processions and then goes up the river The sacred tooth relic was shifted to Delgamuwa Vihare in Kuruwita in the Sabaragamuwa Province and kept inside a grindstone; this was because there were fears that the  Portuguese may capture this sacred object. It was only brought back following victory over the Portuguese  By the time you read the Daily Mirror today the ‘Water Cutting Ceremony’ of the Kandy Esala Perahara would have concluded.    Adahana Maluwa or the cremation grounds of the ancient Kings is opposite the gates of Trinity College. There is a paved cement path there which earlier had a flight of steps leading to the ancient ...

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