ComBank partners with PayHere to offer Q+ users a unique eCommerce experience Commercial Bank’s Group Chief Marketing Officer Hasrath Munasinghe (2nd from right) and PayHere Founder/CEO, Dhanika Perera (2nd from left) exchange the agreement in the presence of PayHere Head of Developments, Karvin Mendis (extreme left) and the Bank’s Senior Manager – Card Centre Seevali Wickramasinghe Source:Island The Commercial Bank of Ceylon has partnered with PayHere, Sri Lanka’s largest Aggregated Internet Payment Gateway Service, to offer users of its Q+ Payment App a unique, user-friendly and secure eCommerce experience. Commercial Bank customers can now conveniently pay for their purchases via the Q+ app to over 3300 registered PayHere Online Payment Service enabled merchants. The Bank’s Credit, Debit and Prepaid Card holders who pay through Q+, the fastest-growing QR app in the country, will not be required to tap in their card details as this information is already stored on the ...

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