TEN RICE DISHES OF THE MOORS Source:Sailanmuslim The staple fare of the Moors of Sri Lanka is rice which is consumed with a number of curries or side dishes. The traditional Moorish dishes given below figure on special and festive occasions. BURIYANI A favourite rice dish which figures prominently in Moorish feasts is the buriyani, a rich and delectable dish that has its origins in Moghul India. The term itself is of Indian origin and seems to have derived from the Hindustani biryani. The dish is evidently an old one, for Abul Fazl in his 16th century treatise on Moghul polity, Ain-I-Akbari gives biryan as a meat dish made from sheep with ghee and spices such as saffron, pepper and cuminseed. He also mentions a rice dish known as Duzdbiryan made of rice, meat and ghee. In later times, by the early part of the nineteenth century or before, biryani had come to refer to a specific rice ...

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