The Story of Kadadora Vihara-by Kalani-eLanka Once a beacon of spiritual enlightenment, Kadadora Vihara, also known as Kadadora Sri Priyabimbaramaya Vihara, stood proudly in the tranquil surroundings of Kadadora, nestled within Sri Lanka’s picturesque Nuwara Eliya District. However, the temple’s fate took a tragic turn with the advent of progress, as the construction of the Kotmale Dam under the Mahaweli Development program in 1979 led to its abandonment and eventual ruin. The serene landscape that once cradled Kadadora Vihara underwent a profound transformation with the ambitious development projects initiated by the Sri Lankan government. The construction of the Kotmale Dam, aimed at harnessing the power of the Kotmale Oya for irrigation and hydroelectricity, brought about significant changes to the region’s topography, displacing communities and altering the natural environment. Amidst the waters of the Kotmale Reservoir lie the submerged remnants of Kadadora Vihara, silent witnesses to a bygone era of devotion ...

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