He was quintessentially a renaissance humanist Source:Dailymirror Jayati Weerakoon passed away on July 29, 2021 in Austin, Texas.  He was born in 1928 in Madakumburumulla, Sri Lanka.  He went to schools in Mirihanegama and completed his school education at Maliyadeva College in Kurunegala.  He was an ardent Indian Classical music lover and studied Indian classical music and was playing the Dilruba in Radio Ceylon concerts at a young age.   He studied Civil Engineering at the University of Peradeniya and graduated in 1950. Jayati was quintessentially a renaissance humanist,  as the breadth and range of his expertise and scholarly interests bear evidence. He recently published a book Buddhist Prints with Descriptive Poems containing extraordinarily sensitive and erudite translations of Piyadasa Sirisena’s poetry that accompanied M. Sarlis’s paintings in the 1929 original.   Not limited to academic pursuits, he was also an avid hobbyist who had an amazing can-do attitude and undertook to ...

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