Homemade Jackfruit seeds Toffee – By Malsha – eLanka Ingredients: 2 cups jackfruit 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon butter 2 cardamom seeds A little vanilla extract A pinch of salt Instructions: Prepare the Jackfruit Seeds: Add a pinch of salt to the jackfruit seeds and boil them until soft. Remove the peel from the boiled seeds and grind them into a smooth paste. Cook the Mixture: In a large bowl, combine the ground jackfruit paste and sugar. Place the bowl on the stove over medium heat and stir continuously until the sugar melts and forms a cohesive lump with the jackfruit paste. Add Flavorings: Once the sugar has melted, add the butter, vanilla extract, and cardamom seeds to the mixture. Mix well to incorporate all the ingredients and reduce the heat to low. Thicken the Mixture: Continue stirring the mixture on low heat until it thickens to a toffee-like consistency. ...

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