To Sir, with Love – by Ishan De Lanerolle ‘The hymns have faded, the prayers are said,  The chapel echoes with the silence of the dead.  Yet in our hearts, his voice remains,  A symphony of guidance through joy and pains.’ Tribute to a Great Master Unlike Any Other To Sir, with Love. In the early 2000s, Sir began experiencing persistent and unusual pains—one day his eye, the next his toe, then his hand and the list goes on. We took him to several doctors who initially treated him for psychological issues. However, I knew this was not in his mind. Finally, a full health check at Apollo Hospital (now Lanka Hospital) revealed a tumor the size of a tennis ball in the middle of his spine. Sir needed a rare and complex surgery. An appeal went out, and within three days, 1.5 million rupees poured into the STC account. Securing ...

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The Sri Lankan National Anthem (Short version) sung by The Fricilia Mixed Choir & The Ao Naga Choir     The short version of Sri Lanka’s National Anthem sung by The Fricilia Mixed Choir, Manado – Indonesia & The Ao Naga Choir, New Delhi – India during the Tri Nation Concert for “Peace” recorded live @ the Lionel Wendt Theatre, Colombo – Sri Lanka, 2019 which was presented by the Voice by Ishan de Lanerolle. ...

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