“WHO, IS THIS BUM”? By Des Kelly The corrected question, whose, is this bum?. If nothing else proves what a crazy World we are living in, at the moment, events of the past week do. With the ” media” having a “ball”in Australia, we “flash” to South Africa, where our cricket team is not only having a ball, they are tampering with it. As I have stated before, in no uncertain terms, “ball-tampering” is perfectly legal, as long as the sport involved is “Pocket Billiards”. Ball-tampering, in cricket,although, not the done thing, has been going on everywhere in the World, since male bowlers have had balls to tamper with & the “women-cricketers”, bless their hearts, have no such problems, they will never disgrace themselves or the Country by tampering with cricket balls, red, white or blue. Why should they, when they have the “real-things” to tamper with, at home. Women have always ...

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