eLanka Newsletter – 26th May 2024 – 8th Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter HERMAN PERERA – Writer / Director / Producer – FILM MAKER – Sunny Mansion Plating it forward – on AUSTRALIAN STORY (ABC Monday night & iVIEW) & OTHER ITEMS Beware of the Weather Gods – By Capt Elmo Jayawardena SUNDAY CHOICE – I refuse to be discouraged – By Charles Schokman The release of 1 million barrels of gasoline may not make a dent in the energy prices – By Hemantha Yapa Abeywardena Wasim Akram and Ravi Shastri among 54 named as Cricket Australia’s Multicultural Ambassadors for two years HUMANOID ROBOTS TO TURN THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN – By N.S.Venkataraman Life in a Toxic Relationships & Interactions – By Nisal Rukshan HPL FACTORY OFFICERS EMPOWERED WITH THE LATEST STRATEGIES OF INDUSTRY AND TECHNOLOGY – ...

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Celebrating International Tea Day-by Kalani-eLanka Every year on May 21st, tea enthusiasts around the world come together to celebrate International Tea Day, a day dedicated to honoring the cultural and economic significance of tea. This celebration not only highlights tea’s rich history but also raises awareness about the sustainable production and fair trade practices essential for the tea industry’s future. The Origins and Significance of International Tea Day International Tea Day was established by the United Nations in 2019 to promote and foster collective actions in favor of the sustainable production and consumption of tea. The day emphasizes the vital role tea plays in several countries’ economies, particularly in developing regions where tea cultivation and processing provide significant employment and income. Tea is more than just a beverage; it is a symbol of community, tradition, and hospitality in many cultures. From the elegant Japanese tea ceremonies to the hearty chai ...

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Challenges faced by tea smallholders Source:Dailynews International Tea Day (May 21)was declared in 2005 by the smallholder tea growers, civil society organizations, traders, and trade unions in Asia and Africa to address the issues of the industry and ensure fair prices for smallholder tea producers. To mark this day, this article discusses the prospects of the tea industry and issues faced by producers and measures taken by the Smallholder Tea and Rubber Revitalization (STaRR) project implemented under the Plantation Ministry, the State Ministry for Company Estate Reforms, Tea and Rubber Estates Related Crops Cultivation and Factories Modernization and Tea and Rubber Export Promotion with the support of the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). Tea was first introduced to Sri Lanka in 1839 with the planting of a batch of tea seeds in the Royal Botanic Gardens at Peradeniya (Weatherstone, 1986). The first commercial tea plantation was started by James ...

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