Indole- a chemical that enhances our lives and may stave off aging Written by Dr. Harold Gunatillake-Health writer Indole is an organic compound occurring in orange blossoms, jasmine, cruciferous veggies, kale, coal tar and in fecal matter. It is a phytochemical (Phyto means plant in Greek) is found in most fruits and plants, and all phytochemicals decrease your risk of developing diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer and enhances our lives for better health. Hence indole is a class of phytochemicals associated with cancer prevention and have many other health benefits and more yet to be discovered. They provide plants with color, odor, and flavor. Mounting dietary studies suggest that a high dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, bok choy, turnips, kale, and cauliflower decrease cancer risk exerting anti-carcinogenic activity. Cruciferous vegetables provide a rich indole source. According to a study published in the ...

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