“IMPATIENT PATIENT” by Des Kelly For the first time since 2001, this impatient patient has been admitted to a private hospital in Berwick, Melbourne, a hospital resembling a 5 star hotel, anywhere in the World, & quite possibly, costing just as much to “reside” in, as well. The bill will probably come in later, leading to another admittance for “hip-surgery”.  For the first time, he has experienced the vast difference a “hospital residency”in Melbourne Town is, compared with just 17 years ago, when he survived a bout with the big “C”, after a major “op”, leaving him with 1 kidney with which to survive. Thankfully, that organ was the stronger of the two, giving him a 2nd chance to be the “impatient patient” he continues to be.   “Patience is a virtue”, or, so we are told. Unfortunately, this is not a virtue of mine. Still, hospitals are the best places ...

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