Sri Lankan baker wins title for best baguette in Paris – by Sarah Pollok Source : nzherald The baguette may be an iconic food in Paris but according to a major annual competition, the very best isn’t made by a French person. In fact, they aren’t even from Europe. On May 10, the “Grand Prix de la Baguette de Tradition Francaise de la Ville De Paris” competition had bakers across the city offer up their best baguettes to be judged by a panel of experts. In its 30th edition, the event is one of the oldest of its kind in France and a source of pride according to the president of the bakers’ union ‘Syndicat des Boulangers du Grand Paris’, Franck Thomasse. The title of best baguette baker isn’t the only thing up for grabs. Winners also receive 4,000 euros and a chance to supply baguettes to Élysée Palace (where the French president lives) for a ...

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