25th Anniversary of the world cup win by Sri Lanka (1996) celebrations in Melbourne   25th Anniversary of the world cup win by Sri Lanka (1996) celebrations in Melbourne at Upalis , total profits of AUD $ 4000.00 to Roshan Mahanama’s Charity – Indra Cancer Trust #SNNI – Melbourne Wednesday March 17th being the 25th Anniversary of the world cup win by Sri Lanka (1996) over Australia saw the gathering of some 80 people at Upalis in Melbourne to celebrate that victory and to raise much needed funds for the Indira Cancer Trust (Sri Lanka).  The evening was attended by 4 people from the former organisation, The Sri Lanka Cricket Foundation of Australia – Dr Qunitus de Zyla, Messrs Bertie Ekenaike, Ian Crawford and David Cruse all four along with a number of other members of that entity were extremely influential in the development and well being of Sri Lankan ...

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Aravinda’s stunning season for Prahran CC-by Ian Crawford Source:Island It came to the attention of the Prahran Cricket Club that looming star Sri Lankan cricketer Aravinda de Silva was keen to improve his game under different conditions, than at home, and a “visit” to Australia was a possibility. Due to the many connections with Sri Lankan cricket already established by the Club, Bob Parish, former long serving President, and still then extremely heavily involved, (also a past Chairman of Cricket Victoria for many decades and long serving Chairman of the Australian Cricket Board) together with me the then President (we both went on to serve 28 and 27 years respectively in that role) decided, with the Club, that we would endeavour to obtain Aravinda’s services. ...

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