“I WISH YOU WELL” – By Des Kelly Anyone who has heard about Raul Malo & his backing group “Mavericks” will probably immediately imagine up-tempo music that sets feet tapping, dancing in the aisles, etc., etc., and you wouldn’t be too far wrong, folks, these guys, with Raul as a great “front-man” are a group of superb musicians who know the real meaning of the word “entertainment”, just take a simple song with lyrics that say, “You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t,   damned if you will and damned if you won’t”, these Mavericks perform them with such gusto, it makes you want to listen to the song over & over again. Most of the songs, fast, slow or in-between, performed by this wonderful group are Commercial to the extreme. Three or four chords, many with just TWO Major or Minor Chords, make the songs very ...

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