“I LOVE MY PUSSYCAT” – by Des Kelly (A KELLY-KLASSIC)           In addition to beautiful Portia, my final-feline, who unfortunately, had to be gently put down by my Vet., because of diabetes (yes folks, cats get diabetes too), I have suddenly come across this Dutch Group of three singing sisters, Marieanne, Betty, and Toni Kowalczyk who called themselves “Pussycat”. Just for the record, Toni, the youngest sister, and lead vocalist changed her name after she married, but nonetheless, they were considered to be one of the best female groups in the Netherlands, and for good reason, I believe.            I also believe that they did split-up, for personal reasons, deciding to go their own ways, but did regroup a few years later, probably due to the fact that their fans wanted to see them perform together again, and I do not blame ...

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