THE HON PAUL FLETCHER MP Minister for Families and Social Services THE HON SARAH HENDERSON MP Assistant Minister for Social Services, Housing and Disability Services MEDIA RELEASE 22 January 2019 Liberal-National Government’s $17m boost to help young Australians with mental illness find work The Liberal-National Government will help more young Australians with mental illness to enter the workforce, allocating $17 million of increased funding for an innovative trial that co-locates job placement and other support services with youth mental health services. Under the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) trial, employment and vocational services are co-located at headspace facilities around Australia, so they can supplement the organisation’s clinical mental health support for young people. Federal Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher MP said the new funding will allow these additional job placement and other support services to be provided for a further two years at 14 headspace sites around Australia. “The funding will ...

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