Hopeless”Rainbows in Braille” – A collection of short stories – By Elmo Jayawardena If not for the hounding of the innocent and the semi innocent village youth in the late 80’s, Ekanayaka would never have come to Colombo. Then I would not have met him or known who he is. Strange how life unfolds; a remote village, a disturbing time, someone escapes a possible gruesome death for being found guilty for a tenth of a reason. Years later I hear the hardly recallable agonizing details and decided to write this story. That’s how it all began and here I am, locked up in a hotel room in Amsterdam on a cold winter day, making my infantile attempt to reach you and others who may want to know the truth. It is our sacred duty that we should do our best to remember, lest they be forgotten; the sad times and ...

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