Sri Lankan Entrepreneur Wins Award For Most Significant Contribution To Education Industry In Australia Source : sundaytimes The Australian Centre for Higher Education (ACH), a leading education consulting company operates in Sri Lanka and Australia, owned by former Sri Lankan banker Ms. Chanaka Palihakkara last month won the 2024 Blacktown City Local Business Awards held in Sydney, New South Wales, for its outstanding contribution to the education industry in Australia. The Local Business Awards is the largest Entrepreneur Awards Ceremony in New South Wales, which recognises top performing local businesses each year. The ceremony honours businesses in 15 categories for their community contributions and excellent service. Over 300,000 companies competed, and Ms. Palihakkara became the first Sri Lankan Australian to win in any category and the first to win the education services title. She was also a finalist for Businessperson of the Year 2024, and ACH Education was a finalist for ...

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Contours for a new Constitution with a difference, for the future, not for the past By Raj Gonsalkorale But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist- Lysander Spooner By Raj Gonsalkorale Lysander Spooner is the well-known author of the book “No Treason” thought by some to be the most subversive thing ever written in the United States. However, as a reader had commented “the premise of “No Treason” is that the United State is not a legally constituted government because people can only be governed by consent and no one consented to the “social contract” we call the Constitution. Spooner writes, “The constitution not only binds nobody now, but never did bind anybody. It never bound ...

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