What Waugh saw, and how it changed him – By GREG BEARUP Once labeled ‘Australia’s most ­selfish cricketer’, Steve Waugh reveals the series of shocking encounters that led him to ditch the sport for good. Former cricketer Steve Waugh Pic : Nic Walker From The Weekend Australian Magazine The office of the Steve Waugh Foundation is up the stairs and down the back of a block of shops on the outskirts of Cronulla’s CBD in Sydney’s south. The office, like the bloke, is devoid of frou-frou. It exists to get the job done and each year it distributes more than a million dollars to help kids with rare diseases. And then in walks Steve Waugh with his famous pout and his thousand-yard stare – the man who led one of the most dominant teams in the long history of Test cricket. Remember those gratifying years when humiliation of the Poms was an annual ...

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