“GOOD-NEWS-BREAKING” by Des Kelly Definitely, the best news, for a long long while. I have been around for quite some time, have seen many Presidents of America come & go, had a lot of respect for the last one, in President Obama, surprised, as thousands of others were, at the recent choice of a man best known as a business- man & television personality, who went around “sacking” people, put his hand up, for the Presidency of one of the most powerful Countries on our planet, not even having the wildest dream of his bid being successful, and then, bingo !, the White-house says hello to President Donald Trump.      I feel sure that I am “grasping at straws” here, but I do feel that there has to be a Lankan/American, living now in Washington, who is a “member” of eLanka, & (hopefully), is passing on, what has been ...

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