Can alcohol be good for you? – by Dr Harold Gunatillake Good advice by Dr Harold OAM Health writer   “Wine is sunlight, held together by water.” —Galileo “Alcohol will never be considered a healthful drink, like tea or coffee, but if you chose the healthier options, a drink a day will calm your anxiety. People who do stressful jobs, a drink in the evening with dinner will help to unwind and socially interact with your family”. About 2 billion people worldwide consume alcoholic drinks, out of which over 76 million people are currently affected by alcohol use disorders, such as dependence and abuse, according to current stats. Alcohol -from a beer with a concentration of ethanol less than 5% to wines and stronger spirits over 40% are considered good for your heart health if you understand what moderation means. Some Vodkas contain 30% ethanol and bourbons maybe around 60% ...

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Good advice from Dr. Harold Should you depend on naturally fermented foods with cultured bacteria for gut health, or take supplements containing probiotics in sealed capsules?   Probiotics are beneficial live bacteria, and the common ones mentioned are L. acidophilus and bifidobacterial, certain yeast and a few other live bacteria. According to the adopted definition by FAO/WHO probiotics are: “Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host These beneficial bacteria are in milk fermented with lactic acid, and Bulgarians and Russians who live largely on milk fermented by lactic acid bacteria were exceptionally lived longer. In 1935 certain strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus were found to be very active when implanted in the human digestive system. These organisms were used for the relief of constipation. These strains of lacto-bacillus have many other health benefits. Prevention of colon cancer In the laboratory trials some strain ...

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