‘God qualifies the called’: Ashan Peiris ordained to the Diaconate – By Josh Low Source : hobart.catholic Tears of joy flowed as Ashan Peiris was ordained to the Diaconate on Friday 5 July at St Mary of the Cross Church in Ranelagh. Having arrived in Tasmania from Sri Lanka just last year, the newly ordained Deacon has spent the last 12 months completing his final year of seminary studies with Melbourne’s Corpus Christi College, as well as serving in parish ministry at the Huon Valley Parish. Ashan Peiris was ordained to the Diaconate on Friday 5 July. Photo: Josh Low Deacon Ashan said he had spent the last few months reflecting on his journey to the priesthood. “I came to understand that being a priest requires me to be weak, as our own strengths can sometimes obstruct the manifestation of God’s grace in our lives. “I humbly acknowledge my weakness as ...

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