THE GLORY OF EASTER: BY Joe Van Langenberg   Now that Easter is almost at our collective doorstep, we should turn the searchlight into the deep recesses of our inner being, thus enabling us to examine our conscience; in a bid to find out, whether we could have had, given the benefit of hindsight, steered our lives on a trajectory, which could have benefited us, as well as our brothers and sisters, whom at times we could have hurt; either intentionally or otherwise. Easter is a time for reflection. It serves as a catalyst, to rise above differences, petty or otherwise, be more respectful, tolerant, but more importantly, to be empathetic to the feelings of those going through a bad patch, not gloating at others’ misfortune and extending the hand of friendship to those fallen by the wayside and whose lives have been torn asunder by heartache and disillusionment. It ...

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