GHOSTLY ENCOUNTER – By Bernard VanCuylenburg By way of an introduction, I am happy to share this personal story with readers of eLanka. It is a story from the edge of darkness bordering on the supernatural, and one which involved my Mum and Dad, and to an extent my Dad’s younger brother Uncle Norman and his wife Aunty Lena, my aunt. I was eleven years old when the incident depicted in this article took place, my younger brother was eight, and my sister and infant of three. The passage of time has not dimmed the horror I experienced when my parents told me of their experience the following day. My Dad at the time was an Assistant Superintendent on Carolina Group Watawala, one of the largest tea plantations in the lower Dickoya district, and my Uncle Norman was Assistant Superintendent on Chryslers Farm Estate, in Kotagala.                                                                             The tea plantations of Sri ...

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