Are you on synthetic vitamins supplementing your natures vitamins in food?-Good advice by Dr. Harold In addition to the macronutrients we consume in the form of carbs, fats and proteins, we need micronutrients like the vitamins, and minerals. These are essential parts of the food you eat. The question you should ask yourself is, “Should you take synthetic vitamin supplements when the natural ones are available sufficiently in the food you eat. If you eat a variety of foods from the 5 groups and have a balanced diet, you’ll get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Healthy people don’t need additional vitamin supplements and high doses of supplements have their own problems. Older people may need supplements because of poor absorption of natural food vitamins, low acidity in the stomach, and those having gastro-intestinal issues. Individuals living below poverty line may need vitamin supplements in addition to the natural ...

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