Remembering George Beven – the man and the artist Source:Sundaytimes George Beven, one of Sri Lanka’s greatest modern artists passed away peacefully on January 29, 2023 in London, UK with his lifelong partner Wolfgang Stange by his side. Born in Negombo in 1929 he initially made a career in journalism working for the Observer. He also had a flair for both tap dancing and fashion design, and excelled at both, but it was his art that really defined him. He had numerous exhibitions in Sri Lanka and in the UK, culminating in the Retrospective of his work at the JDA Perera Gallery last year. ...

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Moments from the George Beven retrospective exhibition-BY DILSHAN BOANGE Guests at the gallery viewing the works of Beven   Source:Sundayobserver On April 24 and 25 this year, the J. D. A Perera Gallery of the University of Visual and Performing Arts was the host venue to an exhibition of paintings and sketches by one of Sri Lanka’s most senior and internationally known painters, George Beven. The opening of the event which was on April 24 was attended by the artist George Beven himself now domiciled in England and saw the participation of several notable personalities from the arts and letters scene. Featured in this pictorial are some moments of that event captured by photographer Malaka Pathmalal. ...

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