HIDDEN FACTS ABOUT OUR SOLAR FESTIVAL Source:Island Geographical factors prepare the agrobase while astrological factors determine the time-frame of our annual Solar Festival. As prominence given to more mundane things has held sway over our annual solar festival, popularly known as ‘aluth avurudda’, (and loosely referred to as the Sinhala-Tamil New Year), most of us little know or have not given sufficient thought to how this unique phenomenon has evolved over the years. Hence, although several weeks have elapsed since the dawn of the solar festival in mid-April this year, ruminating on its evolution and development thus far cannot be confined to a particular month or a few days of the year, although it is the culmination that reaches in mid-April. Even a cursory glance through its occurrence (recurrence!) shows that the dawning and waning of this nostalgic-event are spread over the whole year, and that it’s not a spontaneous ...

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