Little known livery of Class M2 locomotives Source:Sundayobserver They are the most recognisable and unquestionably most written-about locomotives in the history of the Sri Lankan railways. In their distinctive silver, light blue and dark blue livery with yellow trim lines, combined with the deep two-stroke throb of their diesel engines and lyrical tones of ‘Airchime’ horns, they still present a formidable and magnificent appearance despite more than 60 years of service. Yes, ‘they’ are the Class M2 locomotives, dubbed the ‘Canadians’ by adoring Sri Lankan rail fans and general travelling public alike. It is not intended here to regurgitate oft-repeated facts on these glorious machines. As stated, much has appeared in many a publication; however, a brief introduction would not be out of place. From 1954 to 1961, the then Ceylon Government Railway (CGR) received 12 locomotives, classified M2, from General Motors Electro-Motive Division (GM-EMD) in Ontario, Canada under the ...

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