Don’t cry for me Sri Lanka-by Admiral Ravindra C Wijegunaratne  Why sea turtles and dolphins drying in our waters last month?  Source:Srilankaguardian I am an ex-SBS person, member of elite Sri Lanka Navy Special Boats Squadron, the Naval Commando unit. When our country fought against LTTE, our small groups were deployed in enemy beaches for reconnaissance. These highly trained four-man group of SBS personnel infiltrate in to enemy held area discreetly under cover of darkness. They stay there either for reconnaissance or to establish an “Catche” of ammunition and other supplies required for future operations in the area. When such risky clandestine operation was conducted those days, when I was CO SBS, committing my best men for these operations, I also go into a cell, staying day and night sleeping in operations room next to our secure communication set, eating the same rations my boys eat out at enemy held ...

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