Galle Fort History: A Journey Through Time – By Nadeeka – eLanka Galle Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, stands as one of Sri Lanka’s most iconic and historically significant landmarks. Situated on the southwestern coast of the island, this majestic fortress has withstood the test of time, bearing witness to centuries of colonial rule, trade, and cultural exchange. The history of Galle Fort is a tapestry woven with tales of conquest, architectural brilliance, and the rich cultural heritage of the region. This article delves deep into the history of Galle Fort, exploring its origins, architectural marvels, cultural significance, and the efforts to preserve its legacy for future generations. The Origins of Galle Fort The origins of Galle Fort can be traced back to the early 16th century when Portuguese explorers first set foot on the shores of Sri Lanka. Galle, then a thriving port city, quickly caught the attention ...

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Galle Fort: A Timeless Journey into Sri Lanka’s Rich History and Coastal Charms – by Bhanuka – eLanka Nestled on the southwestern coast of Sri Lanka, Galle Fort stands as a living testament to the island’s rich history and vibrant culture. This UNESCO World Heritage Site, with its cobblestone streets, Dutch colonial architecture, and captivating coastal views, offers travelers a unique blend of historical grandeur and seaside tranquility. Join us as we embark on a journey to explore Galle Fort, uncover its centuries-old stories, and savor the beauty of its coastal setting. A Glimpse into History: Galle Fort’s origins date back to the 16th century when it was established by the Portuguese and later fortified by the Dutch. Discover the historical significance of this well-preserved fortress and the stories it holds within its walls. Colonial Architecture: The Dutch influence is visible in the architecture of Galle Fort. Wander through the ...

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