“FUNNY FILL-INS” – By Des Kelly As everyone knows, there are Comedians, Comediennes, Comics, and Comedic Writers, many baring their stuff on Facebook, which is MOSTLY nothing much to write home about, but now and again, we see some Funny Fill-ins which, unless you are a Funeral Director, should make you laugh a little. Talking about these sad folk (the Funeral Directors, I mean),  There is this story about young Johnny who had never missed a single day at School for all of three years, and then suddenly, he was absent for three consecutive days. His teacher’s first words to Johnny on his return- “why were you absent for three whole days, Johnny ??, Johnny’s answer was immediate. “Sorry Sir, but my father got burnt”. The teacher replied “Oh, sorry to hear that young John, was he badly burnt” ??. Johnny’s answer to this, was  ...

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